Call Me Claus

Call Me Claus is a television movie starring Whoopi Goldberg. The movie involves Santa Claus Nigel Hawthorne who needs a replacement Santa after serving his 200year reign. He decides on Lucy Collins Whoopi Goldberg, an eccentric, grouchy shopping network executive, who hires him to promote Christmas decorations and presents on the network. The movie made its premiere on Turner Network Television on December 2, 2001, and has also been aired on Lifetime and The Hallmark Channel. Nigel Hawthorne died justdays after the release of the film, and just one day after Christmas Dec. 26, 2001

His search involves his hat and an elf assistant named Ralph Taylor Negron. Nick puts the hat on every kid. If the hat glows, it means that person has the real Christmas spirit. He sees a lot of kids, and none of them glow. When Lucy sits on his lap, he puts the hat on her and it glows brightly, proving shed make a good new Santa Claus, thoughin this flashbackhis reign still has 3040 years to go.The movie returns to present day. It is Nicks last Christmas as Santa, and he must find Lucy again. He locates her in Los Angeles where she works as a network executive for the ShopALot Channel. She seems to have forgotten about the Christmas spirit the same night she saw Santa as a child, she received news that her father was killed, and focuses more on her job than her family. ........

Source: Wikipedia